A final year Computing student at the University of Huddersfield.

PUP Sheet App Design

Mockup Design for an Android App

App design for a 'Pressure Ulcer Prevention Sheet'

As part of the second year Team Project module I took part in a group enterprise activity named “SCE Challenge 2017” which placed students from all areas of Computing into multidisciplinary groups.

We were given the task to create a product which would help reduce the number of preventable pressure ulcer, something that costs the NHS millions each year. This activity took place over a single week and required to the group to produce a prototype and poster which would then be presented to industry partners in the health sector.

Our solution was a ‘Pressure Ulcer Prevention Sheet’ in partnership with a smartphone application. Data from the pressure sensing sheet would be sent to the application, stored, monitored and then displayed to the user. Below are my mockup designs for a potential app.

Mockup App Designs